Welcome to SMAIE
(Socratic Method Artificial Intelligence Exercise)
TEXT INSTRUCTIONS: To begin, simply scroll down to the Pre-Survey below (marked 1/3). First read and sign the attestation in the embedded window and proceed through the survey. There are three questions assessing your current opinion regarding your own critical thinking followed by a case study with two questions. These questions request multiple answers to be given - please answer these as clearly as possible with support for your answers to the best of your ability. Once complete, the survey will signal to you when to continue scrolling down the page to the SMAIE tool.
The SMAIE tool begins with a separate case study, followed by three questions related to the case study. There are specific input spaces below each question for typing in a response. Again, please answer to the best of your ability and be thorough with your response. Upon entering your responses and clicking the enter button on your keyboard, the AI will generate a response that will prompt further questions. Upon reading these responses, please select the button to open the input box to continue typing in your responses to the new prompts. Each question should be addressed individually by first typing the number of the question you are addressing, followed by your response. Once you have completed your response, then click the enter button. Please note: clicking enter submits your answer to the AI - simply end a sentence with a period "." and continue your response by typing the next number of the question you are addressing to continue your response.
The AI will again respond to these and the process will continue. After 5 total "rounds" of working with the AI, you may consider the exercise complete and continue moving forward (15 questions answered from the SMAIE and the 2 questions from the case study for CEU credit). Please note: you must complete the survey below the exercise in order to log CEU credit. The final part of the survey will gather your information for CEU credit.
If you're ready, simply scroll down to begin!

Thank you for your participation! Here, you will engage in a critical thinking development exercise, specially tailored for nursing professionals. The process consists of three parts: the pre-survey, the SMAIE tool, and the post-survey.