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Welcome to SMAIE
(Socratic Method Artificial Intelligence Exercise)

Thank you for your participation! Here, you will engage in a critical thinking development exercise, specially tailored for nursing professionals. The process is simple - read the case study, answer the prompts, engage with the AI's follow up questions.

Some details to note:

The prompt is already entered into the window. You will simply answer the prompt's questions with your best diagnostic/clinical understanding and the AI will generate feedback questions. After reading the first set of answers from the AI, you will need to click the          button at the bottom left to continue the exercise.

You will address these questions, again providing more explanation and justification for your answers - provide the AI a number corresponding to the question it has asked and answer next to that corresponding number. Do not click enter - simply end a sentence with a period "." and enter the next number to continue answering the prompts. 
The AI will again respond to these and the process will continue. After three more "rounds" of working with the AI, you may consider the the exercise complete or continue moving forward (20 questions answered total for CEU credit). Please note: you must complete the survey below the exercise in order to log CEU credit.

Before beginning the exercise, though, please answer the first part of the questionnaire in the next section. After completing the first section, a prompt will stop you and direct to the tool below the questionnaire. You are to engage with the tool and then return to the questionnaire to complete the entire exercise.

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Step 1/3 - Pre-Survey

Step 2/3 - SMAIE 

Step 3/3 - Post-Survey

Thank you for your participation! Please remember to finish filling out the survey to earn CEUs.

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